Note to Self by Flume (Review)

They make me remember 1993 when Juliana Hatfield was queen of alternative music and Evan Dando its crown prince.
Note to Self - Flume

Flume’s album embodies what is called “twee” with its sweet girlish vocals, ringing guitars, and cute melodies. They make me remember 1993 when Juliana Hatfield was queen of alternative music and Evan Dando its crown prince.

Songs like the catchy “Borrowed Apartments” are typical of the band’s breezy sound. Heather Nichols’ carefree vocals and David Nichols’ anti-guitar hero stance are refreshingly uncool. “Made Up My Mind” is bouncy and brings the long gone Velocity Girl to mind. “Smitten” lives up to its lovelorn name and boasts a lovely tune.

At times I wish Flume would do something unexpected and include a Tom Waits pastiche or a rap tune (?!?), but that’s clearly not going to happen. Flume do what they do best and they are good at it. If you like the genre, then Note To Self will appeal to you. If you don’t, it won’t change your mind. But it’s your loss, because this is a very nice record.

Written by Anna Maria Stjärnell.

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