I haven’t been able to do a whole lot of work on the site lately, mainly due to being drained everyday after work. Things are a little tense… well, when aren’t they tense? Project after project, sales cycles, business deals, and whatnot. And to think that all I ever wanted to do was a little Photoshop, HTML, and PHP.

This means the new design is being delayed. Bummer. However, new reviews will be up on the site this weekend, probably tonight.

A couple of noteworthy, if sad news items. I’m probably the last guy on earth to mention it, but George Harrison died. I’ll admit I was never that big a Beatles fan (one of my old roommates forever turned me off), but I’m smart enough to know that a lot of the music I love wouldn’t exist without Liverpool’s most famous sons.

Okay, so maybe it’s not as “newsworthy” as the death of a Beatle, but in it’s own way, it’s kind of tragic: Absalom Recordings is calling it quits. It’s sad, because they showed a lot of promise of becoming a great label. They put out some great releases, with plenty more coming.

I think my manly status suffered a critical blow tonight. I watched Ah! My Goddess: The Movie with some other guys. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to live this one down.

And finally, what in the world is this? I don’t know if it’s genius or a sick joke.

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