We’re Back

Opus moved to a new server location this weekend, which is why you might have had trouble accessing the site or sending us e-mail earlier. However, things should be back to normal now.

And there’s even more good news… it looks like Hayao Miyazaki’s latest masterpiece, Spirited Away, will be coming to the USA later this year. I’m a huge Miyazaki fan, so I’m tickled pink. However, more anime might not be such a good thing. Personally, I’ve always thought that Miyazaki’s works transcend much of what is normally thought of as “anime,” especially in the depth and detail that his stories contain. No giant robots being piloted by well-endowed and scantily-clad high school girls here, thank you very much.

On another, completely unrelated movie note, I finally got around to seeing (most of) Fiddler on the Roof, and I loved it. I’m not a huge fan of musicals (something about that sudden bursting into song just rubs me the wrong way), but this one is completely different. Humorous, touching, poignant… all that and more. Topol is the shiz-nit.

Also watched the 20th anniversary edition of Tron. It’s like a geek’s dream come true.

I know there’s something I’m forgetting…

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