They Got Robbed…

A blog that I’ve recently become enamored with is Khoi Vinh’s Subtraction. While the site’s content was always interesting and well-written, it was the site’s incredibly detailed and precise design that initially caught my eye and kept me coming back for more. When I found out that he’d submitted a design for the redesign of Boxes And Arrows (an information architecture website), I was interested. And then I saw the design, and I was simply blown away. Clean as a whistle, well-organized, minimal, and pleasing to the eye, it’s the sort of design that simultaneously inspires me and makes me want to quick this whole web design gig and take up waiting tables.

Unfortunately, it was a little too blog-like for the judges — which I guess I don’t quite understand, as it doesn’t appear any more or less blog-like than the winning design does. Mind you, I don’t think the winning design is a bad one. However, I personally don’t find it nearly as arresting or well-made as Vinh’s.

If he can do work like this for another site’s redesign, I can’t wait to see what he pulls off for his own site.

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