Spock as second fiddle

Star Trek: Spock’s New Cultural Relevance:

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the new Spock, whether we see him as representing geek chic or autism, is that the movie implies that he could have been (and indeed, briefly was) captain of the Enterprise. That Kirk becomes captain is, once again, Spock’s choice (though the complexities of the movie’s time-travel plot also come into play here — that’s all I’ll say for now, to avoid spoilers). Spock resigns the power that he could exercise — and exercise reasonably well. For the socially ostracized, it suggests that being limited to a supporting role can be a noble choice, not something forced upon them. The new Star Trek tells us that Spock is just as capable of commanding the Enterprise as Kirk; it’s through his own wisdom that he chooses to play second-fiddle.

I’ve never really thought of Spock in this manner, but it does make for some interesting spiritual thoughts, as the author briefly explores in the article.

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