Spaced is coming! (Sort of…)


There are just a handful of TV shows that I personally consider to be deserving of “classic” status, that are always enjoyable, regardless of how many times I’ve seen the episodes, heard the jokes, and watched the drama. And being the pop culture junkie that I am, Spaced, the pop culture-obsessed TV series by the folks behind Shaun of the Dead, is right near the top of the list.

Seeing as how I own one of those wondrous multi-region DVD players, I was able to pick up the “Definitive Collector’s Edition” from Amazon UK. Unfortunately, it’s unlikely that the series will be released on DVD here in the U.S. anytime soon, due to various copyright issues. However, this might be the next best thing: Spaced will begin airing on BBC America on June 23.

My wife and I watched some of our fave episodes over the past couple of days, including both of the season finales. Believe it or not, but I actually found myself getting choked up by the series’ end. Not because it’s a sad ending, but because it’s is just so absolutely perfect (and contains a brilliant Say Anything reference).

And of course, there’s always the finger gun fight.

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