Reload and Overload

The next few days promise to be pretty packed. My Nausicaä Perfect Collection arrived today. All 4 graphic novels (that’s over 1000 pages of Hayao Miyazaki’s storytelling and artwork!) are just waiting for me to go through. I also got Richard Mouw’s He Shines In All That’s Fair, which explores the Calvinist doctrine of “common grace.” I’ve been wanting to read this book ever since I read this interview.

On top of that, I’ve got a ton of movies that came in last week and are still waiting to be watched. But those should be taken care of this weekend when I have my annual “Memorial Day Movie Marathon.”

I’ve been somewhat slacking off on the site updates, but I should have some new reviews posted later this week. I’ve been taking it easy, what with work and Nolan’s wedding occupying a lot of my time recently. I’ve been unable to keep up with the stacks of CDs and DVDs on my desk, so I’ve just decided to quit trying. Rather than get it all, I’d rather focus on just a handful of items and really focus on them, Quality over quantity, y’know.

But first things first… tonight I go watch The Matrix Reloaded for the second time. My first viewing left me somewhat disappointed and really bewildered, but anxious to see it again. Since then, I’ve had some great discussions and read some intriguing articles, which have only served to increase my desire to watch it again and keep my eyes peeled for any details I missed the first time around. Of course, I’m sure I’ll leave the theatre with a dozen new questions… but isn’t that the sign of a good movie?!?

Speaking of good movies, there’s a new high res trailer for Wonderful Days, an incredible-looking Korean animation that caught my eye a few months ago. It comes out in July, and hopefully, a DVD release will follow shortly. The trailer’s in Korean, but believe me, with visuals that gorgeous, it doesn’t matter.

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