Quick Reviews of Shogun Assassin and Ping Pong

Shogun Assassin

Just got finished watched Shogun Assassin for the second time, this time with Nolan. What can you expect from a movie with a tagline like “He Whips Out His Sword And Relieves His Victims Of Their Heads” but lots of ninjas, flashing samurai swords, a baby cart full of weapons, psychedelic swordfights, and blood that sprays like a firehose.

Definitely one of those that improves if you’re watching it with the right people, especially if those people get into the likes of Versus and Wild Zero. I suppose I should feel kind of guilty, since this film was supposedly banned since 1983, but when I hear my coworkers describe what transpires on Fear Factor and Survivor, I don’t feel bad at all.

I watched Ping Pong last night, and I must admit that I’m a little disappointed. I’d seen the trailer several times, and was completely caught up in its infectious, techno-driven energy. Ping Pong, on the other hand, is a very slow piece that tries to throw in some quirky moments to keep things interesting. It has its energetic moments, especially the great ping pong tournament scenes.

But as soon as the film starts to build up some speed, it stumbles into a long, dramatic scene that makes it feel very awkward and disjointed at times. The ending does manage to be heartwarming and funny, but you have to wade through a whole lot to get there.

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