Now THAT’S A Cellphone!

A few months ago, I joined the Dark Side: I got a cellphone. I still find them terribly annoying, and even slightly freaky. There’s nothing more surreal than seeing someone apparently talking into thin air, only to realize they’re talking into one of those Uhura-esque headsets. I understand the convenience and all, but really, is it worth freaking out your fellow human beings by appearing to have some sort of nervous breakdown?

However, I’ve just found the ultimate cellphone accesory (there again with the hyperbole) — the Pokia DJ Convoy. Never again will people mistake your phone conversations for a charismatic episode. How could they when you’re wearing freakin’ huge headphones and talking into a CB handset?!? And not only can you keep in contact in friends and loved ones, you can also live out your Convoy fantasies. What’s not to like?!?

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