Minor Changes

Well, seeing as how Cornerstone was several months ago, I finally got around to changing the graphics on the main page. Hopefully, Kelly won’t mind that I swiped a few more of her photos.

There’s something about photos taken in the fall… the way the sunsets always seem to look a little more golden and the skies look a little sharper. If that doesn’t make you a little more nostalgic, I don’t know what will.

If you couldn’t guess, I’m not going to that Faint show I mentioned earlier. But if you go, and you get some cool photos or have a review, send them our way!

Speaking of reviews, look for some more coming this weekend. Man, are we going gangbusters or what?!? Quantity before quality, I always say.

Nolan’s going to kill me, but I really like Daft Punk’s newest stuff. I wrote it off before, but then I realized “One More Time” always got my booty to shaking… and I am nothing if not a slave to the rhythm.

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