“In Even Strokes” by Golf Slang

The Luxury guitarist goes solo with a batch of moody, synth-driven songs.

Jamey Bozeman has been making excellent guitar-oriented indie rock with Luxury for the last few decades. (For real, if you haven’t listened to Trophies, you’re missing out.) But for his solo Golf Slang project, Bozeman focuses less on his six-string and more on moody synths and programmed beats that evoke the ’80s without any of the slavish nostalgia.

“In Even Strokes” — the first single from the upcoming How I Lost My Voice EP — even hews into synthwave territory with its arpeggios and Midnight-esque riffs. Meanwhile, Bozeman’s cryptic lyrics about sunbathers and ocean swimmers takes on an increasingly ominous quality, especially when he cries out “God sees everything.”

The How I Lost My Voice EP will be released on June 3 by Velvet Blue Music.

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