Consider Me Intrigued: Ink

Ink - Jamin Winans

God bless independent cinema, especially of the fantasy/sci-fi variety. Cineastes may dote on the Little Miss Sunshines and Me and You and Everyone We Knows of the world, but I’ve always been more fascinated by such titles as Pi and Primer, films that take their miniscule budgets and deliver original, thought-provoking, even mind-blowing visions.

And based on its recently released trailer, I think you can add Ink, the latest feature from Jamin Winans, to that list. Cinematical’s Eugene Novikov refers to Night Watch and Pan’s Labyrinth when describing the film’s visuals. Personally, I see a whole lot of Brazil and The City of Lost Children.

The film’s plot revolves around two rival factions that fight over humanity via our dreams, a young girl caught between reality and dreams, and a dreamworld mercenary who has captured her for his own, unknown plans.

More info on the film, including its world premiere info, can be found via the filmmaker’s blog and the film’s official website.

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