Exciting news on the ExpressionEngine front: the first “Certified Third-Party Add-On” has been announced, and it’s the new version of Solspace’s Tag module. I’ve used some of Solspace’s other offerings, such as Freeform and Rating. Mitchell’s kung fu packs a mighty wallop, and so I expect that the new Tag module will kick all kinds of hinder.

FYI, EllisLab recently instituted the certified add-on program as a way to ensure quality in the various third-party offerings for ExpressionEngine. EE has a burgeoning developer’s community that, while not as large as, say, Wordpress’, is stil sizable and constantly churning out interesting new stuff. The program is an attempt to encourage EE developers in the right way of making EE add-ons and helps ensure that EE users get a consistent level of quality.

Some more info can be found in this discussion forum thread.

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