Back in Business

Finally… my internet access is back to normal. I put up some new movie reviews and added some new artists to the HiFi. And there’s plenty more to come.

Happy birthday to Nolan, who turned 27 yesterday.

I’m sure everyone and their dog watched the 300th episode of The Simpsons on Sunday (even though it was actually the 302nd). And after that, I watched the Married With Children reunion special, which was absolutely hilarious. Sunday night was the first time I’d watched network television since the Super Bowl (and before that, I had avoided the idiot box for at least a month or so).

What really struck me was just how banal it was. I swear they only showed 6 commercials the entire night, and just kept showing them over and over again. I saw that Joe Millionaire promo about 27 times, and I think I saw the same damn SUV commercial 36 times (it doesn’t matter if it’s Chevy, Ford, or Dodge — they all look and sound the same).

And what’s this new reality show on Fox, where viewers pick two people at random to get married and await the outcome? We think that our values are so great that we’re willing to bully other countries to get our way, and yet back home, we can’t get enough of shit like reality television.

The whole night made me that much happier that I don’t watch TV, because I honestly felt myself getting progressively dumber as the night wore on.

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