A Few Little Tidbits

Here’s some detritus that’s been floating around for the past couple of days, only to now make it onto Opus.

The latest issue of Magnet has a huge article on “shoegazer” music that’s a pretty good read. It delves somewhat into the origins of the music, as well as its dissolution (thanks to grunge and britpop), and is fairly effusive. Personally, I never would’ve made the connection between Britain’s colonizing past and the swirling guitar sounds of, say, Slowdive, but somehow they pull it off. Also, it’s nice to know that Kevin Shields is still alive (and working on an upcoming My Bloody Valentine retrospective). The issue should be at your local music store, so pick up a copy (and a copy of MBV’s “Loveless”, which no decent “indie” record collection should be without).

Just saw this on BuzzgrinderFearless Records is putting out a comp of punk/hardcore bands doing pop songs. It’s called “Punk Goes Pop,” and you can hear Stretch Armstrong cover Pink and Further Seems Forever cover N’Sync, among others. I’m sure it sounded hilarious at first, but it’s just too painful. I’m almost tempted to rescind my review of The Moon Is Down.

I know it’s going to be a horrible movie… but that new Scooby Doo trailer had me chuckling.

After hearing about the new Creed video (contrary to popular belief, I don’t watch MTV2 all day), I had to check it out for myself. I only saw 30 seconds or so, but a CGI Scott Stapp with angel wings fighting demons?!?!? Is it just me, or does that seem a tad bit pretentious?

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