Volume Plus Volume by Rescue (Review)

I think my feelings for Volume Plus Volume are best expressed in a 5-part series of haikus.
Volume Plus Volume Rescue

I think my feelings for Volume Plus Volume are best expressed in a 5-part series of haikus, a Japanese form of poetry usually used to describe nature. Be that as it may, I will be using the 5 – 7-5 syllable form to illuminate the qualities of this particular compact disc.

I can hear some Braid
Hark, I hear Hey Mercedes
But Rescue is nigh

Cues from their peers, friends
Thrice, Thursday, Finch, and the like
So many tempos

The songs become one
Lyrics read like fragmented
Japanese haiku

Some black-rimmed glasses
Corrective eyewear is good
Emo posing bad

Lo, confused young man
Musically confused band
Drama < melody

Written by Jeffrey Ellinger.

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