The Blossom Filled Streets by Movietone (Review)

It’s not all bad but there are far more interesting examples of this genre to be discovered.
The Blossom Filled Streets - Movietone

It may be true to say that the post-rock movement is becoming a more dominant force in alternative music circles but sometimes it is advisable to put a little more rock’ into the music in order to make it more captivating.

Movietone’s third album is a case in point; the ideas are sound; minimalist production, an almost folky, laid-back feel but due to the absence of tunes or even a singer who sounds even remotely interested in the subject matter, The Blossom Filled Streets recalls a tossed-off art-house project.

This album compares Broadcast but without the cinematic, timeless feel, a less adventurous A R Kane or even Hood without the tangible feeling of misery. The opening track Hydra’ is typical; a half tune which wanders across a jazz-inflected ride but ends up going completely nowhere. It’s not all bad but there are far more interesting examples of this genre to be discovered.

Review appears courtesy of Leonard’s Lair. Written by Jonathan Leonard.

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