Punch-Drunk Love by Paul Thomas Anderson (Review)

I went into this with high expectations and more than a little fear that Sandler would be a trainwreck.
Punch-Drunk Love

Well, I’ve been such a slacker about getting this stuff written up that this is already in theaters and you’ve probably already read a bunch about it, so I’ll just add a few things. First, this is a PT Anderson film, though and through. Don’t go in expecting typical Sandler goofiness because it’s not there. Whether you like this film or not will depend largely on what you think of Anderson’s work. If you hated Magnolia, you’ll hate this.

Second, it’s very funny in a fairly absurdist sort of way.

Third, whatever it was that made Anderson think Sandler had more in him than what he had shown before… well, he was right. He’s not going to win an Oscar for his performance here, but it’s really quite good.

Fourth, I really wanted to see more of Hoffman and Guzman than what we’re given here, especially Hoffman.

I’m a fan of Anderson’s work, so I went into this with high expectations and more than a little fear that Sandler would be a trainwreck. My fears were unfounded and all expectations were met.

Written by Chris Brown.

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