A Simple Plan by Sam Raimi (Review)

An “intelligent” film from the guy who brought you Evil Dead 2.
A Simple Plan - Sam Raimi

Very nice noir/atmospheric thriller from Sam Raimi. An “intelligent” film from the guy who brought you Evil Dead 2. Three guys find a plane crash and discover 4 million dollars. They decide to keep it, telling only small lies, which lead to bigger lies. A very interesting look at people getting themselves deeper into their web of deceit, while drawing in those surrounding them. Billy Bob Thornton is incredible in this, as is Bill Paxton.

The ending left me with mixed feelings. On one hand, it all wrapped up a little conveniently… and it gets a little melodramatic. But the very end is quite fitting, I think. The winter scenery and the visual metaphors are all very well done and makes for an excellent modern “morality play.”

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