“You would hunt me like a lion…”

The Internet Monk on “The God of Job’s Complaints”:

With religious television channels preaching the lies of Word-faith manipulation and prosperity Gospel churches working full time to convince the world that all Christians are rich, healthy and blessed with unending happiness in every area of life, there’s a great need for the integrity to be honest.

That integrity will be a volatile commodity, but be patient and persistent. Reality is on your side.

Remember that your ways of expressing the truth may be limited, but the integrity to live and speak the honest complaints of Job don’t need applause to have effects.

Even after Job put his hand over his mouth, God still said what he had spoken was right. That’s because instead of whitewashing God with the theology of Job’s counselors, Job had taken God as he knew him, his life as he experienced it and told the truth where he was. God values people who live the truth in the context of living out their mystery of faith. In the end, he stands by them.

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