I just finished adding a ton of Cornerstone-related photos, as well as the first piece of our Cornerstone review… and yes, there’s more in the works. Big love to Liz, Jesse, Alan, and Lars for their contributions. Now, if only Nolan and Melissa would get me their photos (nudge, nudge)…

I also picked up The Royal Tenenbaums DVD today (a double disc for $17… sweet). What a great movie. I love Rushmore and so I think I unfairly held Tenenbaums up to it, but Tenenbaums is a much deeper, richer story. Still quirky and offbeat, but it just resonates with me more.

Also, I’ve decided that if a movie (song, book, poem, etc.) can bring a tear to my eye, Grace hasn’t given up on me yet.

I’m not sure if I’ll get new review up this weekend, but I’m going to give it my best shot. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to finish Shaolin Challenges Ninja.

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