The We Wonder Podcast

This wonderfully produced podcast offers thoughtful, moving meditations on the Advent story.
We Wonder Advent Podcast

This past Advent season, our family really enjoyed listening to We Wonder’s Advent podcast. Written and narrated by Sarah Dahl and produced by Richard Clark, each episode was filled with thoughtful, moving meditations on the Advent story and what it means for us today. They often led to good discussions with our kids concerning the significance, not just of Jesus’ birth, but also the details surrounding His arrival.

Dahl and Clark recently released an episode for The Feast of the Epiphany and are beginning work on a series of episodes for Lent, which lasts from February 26 to April 9. Suffice to say, our family will be tuning in. But even if you don’t have kids, I’d still recommend checking it out. The episodes are very well-produced and the content is thought-provoking and calming — something I’ve found to be helpful in these crazy, overwhelming days.

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