We Shall Be Free

Why does it take something as messed up as death to make you relook at points in your life. I’m sitting there in the funeral, and the whole event served as a mirror, reflecting things right back in my face. You see how petty you are, how stupid you’ve been to people sitting in the sanctuary with you, and you realize that this is not how things are supposed to be.

Life should be more reverant, it should be deeper, fuller, happier, sadder… just more. And people should be more. And I should be treating them like more.

I think of that Pedro the Lion lyric… “Lately I have been wondering why/We go to so much trouble/To postpone the unavoidable/And prolong the pain of being alive” — okay, so I think about it a lot (it’s a good album, people) — and I think part of it’s because we realize there should just be more to it than what we’re presented with on a daily basis. Usually, we get it completely wrong and things just get worse. But when you let Someone else make it right…

On a sidenote… aside from that whole Salvation doctrine, I think the Church’s greatest contribution to civilization is the potluck (especially the dessert table).

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