Watch The Watchmen… trailer, that is

Although it surfaced earlier via nefarious means on YouTube, the trailer for the upcoming adaptation of The Watchmen is now officially online over at Apple.

I’m still a little dubious that the film will be able to effectively capture the original graphic novel’s complex narrative structure and characterizations, there’s no doubt that Zack Snyder has nailed the look of things right down to the smallest detail (indeed, Rope Of Silicon has already done a trailer to comic comparison). The trailer looks amazing, and is chock full of iconic images, including Jon Osterman’s disintegration and first appearances as Dr. Manhattan; The Comedian wreaking havoc in Vietnam; and Rorshach looking, well, creepy like only Rorshach can (love the morphing nature of his mask).

BTW, if you watch the trailer and don’t quite understand what all the hoopla is about, Cinematical has put together a guide to the trailer that explains what’s going on, as well as some background information on the graphic novel’s plot.

The Watchmen will come out in theatres March 6, 2009. Click here to visit the movie’s official website.

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