Vive la Yupgi

My Sassy Girl, Kwak Jae-young

I just posted some stills for My Sassy Girl, and I was once again reminded of just much I love, love, love this film. It’s one of those movies that you don’t really admire or enjoy so much as develop a crush on, one of those big, puppy dog eye crushes that makes you feel all giddy and gooey inside. Needless to say, I’m a little bummed that Hollywood has bought the rights to this and is planning a remake.

I hope they don’t turn this into some dumb teen comedy starring Freddie Prinze, Jr. I hope they don’t dumb it down, but I’m afraid we’ll just have to make do with what we get. I’ve never seen the “American Pie” movies in their entirety, but I personally picture Jason Biggs in the role of Kyun-woo. He’s got that “lovable big dope” feel about him, and he seems to be able to pull off the slapstick fairly well. As for The Girl, I hope they cast someone like Thora Birch. She might be a little young, but she can be sassy and vulnerable (just watch Ghost World).

If and when this ever does out here in the States, I do have some hope that American audiences will be able to see both the Korean and American versions. After all, both the American remake and the original Japanese version of “The Ring” will be hitting stores this March.

Or better yet… head over to HKFlix and pick up a copy right now!!!

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