Trump’s Casual Cruelty

I’ve come to realize that there’s nothing about Trump that I don’t find offensive on a moral or spiritual level.
Donald Trump
(Gage SkidmoreCC BY-SA 3.0)

I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump supporters respond to criticism concerning his suggestion that the late Rep. John Dingell might be in hell with this hoary old chestnut: “It’s just a joke.” But therein lies the problem. Not only does the President lie casually (15,413 lies to date), but he’s also casually cruel.

He doesn’t give a second thought to his cruelty, to his insulting and boorish words and behavior. Indeed, as others have said, the cruelty is the point with Trump. Of course, part of it is just the logical end of our broken political system; Trump knows he can get away with it so long as he’s cruel to the “right” people. (Given Trump’s mercurial nature, though, who constitutes the “right” people exactly seems to change on a daily basis.)

I’ve come to realize that there’s nothing about Trump that I don’t find offensive on a moral or spiritual level. But I don’t hate him; I can’t hate him. Rather, I pity him because I sometimes wonder if he’s ever experienced a moment of truth or real, profound beauty in his life — a moment that humbles you, takes you out of yourself, and forces you to realize that there’s so much more to existence than your own limited wants and desires.

Looking at his consistent and casual cruelty — the racism, the misogyny, the constant punching down, the off-the-cuff gibes and swipes, and on and on — I suspect he has not experienced such a moment. By their fruit you shall know them, and all that. More’s the pity.

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