‘Tis the Season

Come December 25th, some of you may be celebrating the birth of a Savior. Some of you might be with friends and family, celebrating each other. Whatever you’re doing, I urge you to take some time from all of the hustle and bustle, from all of the things that suck the life and meaning out of this holiday.

Some would have you believe that it’s all about a large Christmas tree, brightly wrapped gifts, stockings that are full, a roaring fire, and some eggnog. Yeah, those are all great, but they’re just things. If you only receive one present this year, I hope it’s from the one person who means the most to you. And if you give one present this year, make sure you give it with all of your heart. Don’t settle for some stupid trinket that will end up going back to the store on December 26.

If you consider yourself a Christian, make it mean something this year. I know I get all wrapped up in so many things that I don’t realize it’s Christmas until the day of. This should be a time of wonder and reflection, not waiting in lines and trying to find a parking space.

And before we forget… our present to you; new album reviews and movie reviews.

Merry Christmas… peace on earth and goodwill towards men.

“Great little one! whose all-embracing birth/Lifts earth to heaven, stoops heav’n to earth!” — Richard Crashaw

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