So, About This Whole Ray Boltz Thing

Some of you probably don’t know who Ray Boltz is, but for those of us growing up as Christians in the late ’80s and early ’90s, it was nearly impossible to listen to the radio without hearing his songs, such as “Thank You” and “Watch The Lamb”.

Earlier this month, Boltz announced that he was gay. Now, I’d forgotten all about Boltz, partly due to his departure from the spotlight, but mostly due to my growing disinterest is all things CCM. Even so, this news came out of left field.

Eric over at Between The Trees has posted a couple of really good thoughts on the whole situation. Here’s an excerpt:

A ton of people seem to be saying things like “I’ll never use his songs again for worship” or even “I guess I can’t listen to his music anymore.” This is patently absurd… the idea that we can’t listen to, and even glorify God through, his music is completely unbiblical. Let’s face it: when part of the book of Proverbs is clearly based on Egyptian wisdom literature and both David and Solomon, inspired authors of the bible, lived their whole lives in adulterous relationships with dozens of women, we should think twice before leveling the cannons on someone like Ray Boltz. God’s truth is always true, and he often uses sinful vessels to articulate it in order to show his sovereign power all the more fully. If Ray Boltz says true things about God and His gospel in his music, praise the Lord all the more that he uses sinners to speak His truth.

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