Ahhhh… I love the smell of fresh content in the morning (or late evening, as the case may be). New album reviews have been added — finally! — with more to come. Look for the 600th album review to appear shortly, along with MP3s galore. I’ve also got a few more movie reviews in the works. They’re written, but I just need to finish putting some stills together.

I also fixed a glitch that I’d neglected for far too long, and might’ve given you an error if you dropped by the homepage recently. My apologies for that. I don’t know why I let it slip for so long.

I didn’t get a chance to do this earlier, but I want to officially welcome Chris Brown to the Opus staff. I’ve known Chris for several years, and he’s the only person I know whose love for Asian cinema rivals mine. I look forward to seeing the stuff he adds to Opus. Speaking of staff, I’m always looking for contributors. If you’re interested, drop me a note and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

If you’re a fan of the ol’ Starflyer 59, you can check out an interview with Jason Martin on the Vagrant Cafe forums. The questions were submitted by fans, and cover a wide range of topics. If you’re curious about the new Starflyer album, check out this recording journal (and download a demo track while you’re at it).

The boys in Lift To Experience are currently working on their follow-up to The Texas-Jerusalem Crossroads, but no date has been set.

I watched the trailer for My Tutor Friend, the new comedy that’s all the rage in South Korea, and now I’m dying to see it. It’s been compared to My Sassy Girl, which is good enough for me. Even if you don’t understand a lick of Korean, the official website is something to behold.

Anime nuts are sure to wet themselves over this… there’s a new Evangelion release coming out, complete with footage that’s never been seen before (including some live-action footage!).

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to sift through all of the DVDs that came in the mail today. My copy of Infernal Affairs (Hong Kong’s biggest movie of 2002) arrived, along with 6 more. It’s going to be a delightfully busy week.

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