Raging Phoenix

I wasn’t a huge fan of Chocolate, the film that introduced the world to Jija Yanin. Sure, it had lots of bone-crushing fights and stunts, but I found it rather tedious after awhile — and all of the melodrama didn’t help matters much. But Yanin is back with her second film, Raging Phoenix, and if the above trailer is any kind of indication, it could be ten times the film that Chocolate was.

Sure, there’s going to be some melodrama — the filmmakers are touting the film’s romantic angle — but at the same time, it features dudes with spring-loaded razors on their shins, drunken Muay Thai squaring off against drunken kung fu (for the first time ever, apparently), and best of all, breakdance fighting. Which looks as cheesy and silly as you might expect, but it also looks pretty dang awesome. But what else would you expect from a film that stars “leading Thai B-boys”?

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