PopMatters reviews the Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog DVD

PopMatters reviews the Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog DVD. (You know you’ve got something special when the DVD’s commentary is a musical and demands a review all its own.)

So why, then, should we be interested in the copious “extras” usually tagged on to DVDs of this sort? First off, the bonus features here are both numerous and fun: the behind-the-scenes featurettes tell you everything you’d want to know about the creation of Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog in a breezy fashion, the commentary gives cast insight into the filming process, and the user-generated “application videos” for the Evil League of Evil are a delight (of particular note are the apps for Movie Monkey, The Reverend, and — best of all — the devious master of circumcision: Tur Mohel).

Yet there’s something special to be said for a group of people that can come together and create something like Commentary! The Musical. It’s exactly what it sounds like: though Commentary! The Musical is technically “just” a commentary track that plays over the film itself, the complete original cast and crew got together to do a series of new songs about the commentary track, which features such highlights like writer Zak Whedon’s rap song, Nathan Fillon’s loungey tune “I’m Better Than Neil”, and Felicia Day’s ballad about her “process” as an actress (which may or may not have been hindered by sharing screen time with the hunky Fillon).

What’s that you say? You’ve never seen Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog? Then stop reading Opus, for crying out loud, and click here right now!

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