Oh, There’s the Outrage

As a followup to my earlier, Janet Jackson-inspired rant, I present you with these, actual e-mails sent to the FCC in the aftermath of the Super Bowl, courtesy of The Smoking Gun.

The e-mails run the gamut of reactions, from fearing God’s wrath on America Falwell-style, to encouraging the FCC to look at more pressing concerns than Janet’s breast, to questioning whether the Super Bowl really is a “family event.”

Personally, I found rather interesting that several e-mails included the phrase “I’m not a prude, but.…” For Pete’s sake people, just say what you mean! You don’t need to qualify your opinions like that. And frankly, I think I’m now more appalled at the atrocious grammar and spelling skills of Americans than I am at any moral decline due to Ms. Jackson.

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