What do you do when you drive 3 1/2 hours to Kansas City to see Over The Rhine, only to arrive at the venue and learn that the show has been cancelled? Well, if you’re like us, you go to the local Cheesecake Factory and drown your sorrows in cheesecake and frou-frou drinks (or in my case, a big-ass strawberry shortcake and a Bass ale). Actually, the trip wasn’t a total bust. I got to meet some pretty cool people on the ride down, and caught up with a friend I hadn’t seen a long time. Plus, it’s always nice to get out of Lincoln for awhile, even just a few hours.

I headed over to the Over The Rhine website and found this explanation for the cancellation. It sucks, but it’s for the best, and it’s cool that they’re so open with their fans about stuff like that. Here’s hoping for the best, and that they’ll be back out on the road soon…

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