Let’s Go To The Mall

Renae and I just discovered How I Met Your Mother. Yeah, I know we’re a few seasons late to the series, but between Netflix and Blockbuster, we’re making up for lost time as quickly as we can.

There are many things to love about the show, but as of right now, I’d say my three favorite things are:

  • The show’s willingness to go to all sorts of absurd lengths for laughs, such as this full-length music video for Robin Sparkles (one of the character’s Canadian pop-star alter ego), or the long-term gags and inside references that span seasons.
  • The absurd humor, pop culture references, and whatnot, don’t ever seem to get in the way of some surprisingly deep and engaging relationships, especially for a sit-com.
  • The show features some familiar faces from some of our favorite shows of yore, such as Freaks and Geeks, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Angel.

Oh, and don’t forget the robot.

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