Here and There

As usual, I can’t stop tinkering with the site, hence the new menu. The pulldown was buggy and getting kind of old. Hope you like the new one… at least until I decide to change it again. New reviews are on their way, hopefully this weekend.

Is this a thoughtful musing on the precarious nature of life and death, or are the Faint simply obsessed with roadkill? Requires QuickTime and it’s a sorta icky. Also, I shouldn’t need to tell you this, but Danse Macabre is a great album.

Plastic delivers again: “If you bought that Dido album, you might be saying more about your personality than you thought, or maybe some music writer’s got more time and smarm than he knows what to do with.” And there’s more where that came from, so head over to Plastic and get your fill.

All of you “serious” computer users might be bashing the new iMac (well, not all), but the numbers don’t lie.

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