Fine China

Fine China
(Tooth & Nail RecordsAll Rights Reserved)

It’s a sad fact in the musical world that bands come and go. And that’s double sad in the indie/underground world, where bands are already flying under the radar. When one of them disappears, it’s sometimes next to impossible to figure out what happened unless you know someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows the drummer’s younger brother.

One such band was Fine China, who disappeared after releasing two acclaimed albums of sugary, melancholy pop that summed up everything good and golden about bands like The Smiths and New Order. Well, the band is now back in the recording studio working on a new release, and they’ve just posted two new songs to their website, which can be found here. The two songs are rough demos, and are obviously in need of mixing and mastering, but they’re still quite nice, especially “Prosecute, Electrocute.”

There’s no word on when the album will be done, or which label it’ll be released on (the band has previously released stuff on Tooth & Nail Records and Velvet Blue Music). Whatever the case, it’s good to see the band is still in action.

BTW, check out the Fine China interviews on Opus. There’s one from Cornerstone 2002 and one from Cornerstone 2000. Enjoy!

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