Elsewhere, 2/3 (The Belated Birthday Edition)

Stylus gives The Christ Tree an A+: “Their origin story could be a cliché: a TV production consultant and his friend move from their upper East Side digs into an semi-abandoned loft in 1970, dropping out of normal society in a search for truth. Their living space eventually becomes a meeting place for like-minded people — and, voila, a commune is born. The members, all Christian, focused on the idea of service and bringing the word to others — this soon took on the form of musical performances.” My review will (hopefully) be available soon.

Where Did My Beautiful Internet Go? “Originality seems to have been sucked out of the majority of the internet. Why? Why has the internet so quickly fallen into certain patterns and simple designs?”

Epic45 has posted a new track entitled “The Balloonist” to their MySpace page. Via

So is this what OS X might look like in 2015? Of course, I’ll need to get a wall-sized cinema display first…

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