Dudes and Movies

I’m really excited about two things right now.

First, my friend Shiloh recently returned from doing 8 months of missions work. A few of us went down to the mecca that is Yia-Yia’s and hung out. It was nice to have the dudes back together, to hold back the autumn chill with some hot pizza and crass humor. The stuff life is made of.

Second, I’m going through Chris Brown’s summary of the Toronto International Film Festival. I can’t wait to get this (among other things) on the site. Every time I think I’m getting a handle on the movies I want to watch, something like this comes along and adds a few more to my list. Bruce Campbell as the aging Elvis fighting an Egyptian mummy in a Texas rest home?!? Where do I sign up?

Look for it this weekend, along with other great content. I haven’t been this excited about an update since the first round of Cornerstone coverage.

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