College Students Stumped by Search Engines

We need to start teaching students how to better use the technology at their fingertips.
(Carlos LunaCC BY 2.0)

Liz Goodwin:

At all five Illinois universities, students reported feeling “anxious” and confused when trying to research. Many felt overwhelmed by the volume of results their searches would turn up, not realizing that there are ways to narrow those searches and get more tailored results. Others would abandon their research topics when they couldn’t find enough sources, unaware that they were using the wrong search terms or database for their topics.

The researchers found that students did not know “how to build a search to narrow or expand results, how to use subject headings, and how various search engines (including Google) organize and display results.” That means that some students didn’t understand how to search only for news articles, or only for scholarly articles. Most only know how to punch in keywords and hope for the best.

I’m telling you, we need to start teaching students how to better use the technology at their fingertips, including search engines. Knowing how to search and filter the vast amounts of information now available is a skill that will only become more critical as time goes on.

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