Christian Generosity Leaves Atheist “Flabbergasted”

Patrick Greene is a professed atheist who threatened to sue his local government over a courthouse manger scene. But when Greene learned he had a detached retina and had to quit working, local Christians stepped in to support him.

Greene said he was “flabbergasted” to learn that a group of Christians in Henderson County was reaching out to help an atheist, who in February had informed Commissioners Court that he would sue if the manger scene reappeared this year.

“I told my wife about it,” Greene said.

“They’re going to help us?” Karen asked.

Greene thought that if anything, he’d see $50, maybe $100.

A few days later, the Christians made good on their promise, and sent a check for $400.

“I said I can’t believe it,” Greene said. “I thought I was in the Twilight Zone.”

The money went to help pay the rent, and provide necessities from the grocery store.

The contributions didn’t stop at $400 either, Cry said. More money is coming in.

Greene is so amazed by the generosity of the Christians in Henderson County, he’s sharing the story through the media, and is thinking about writing a book.

This is just beautiful. Would that more Christians would heed Jesus’ words about loving and serving our “enemies”. And here’s hoping that this is merely the beginning of a lasting friendship between Greene and his Christian neighbors.

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