I just got this from my friend Case and thought I’d pass it on for the benefit of any Lincoln/Omaha folks who are interested in this matter.

Chad Kister — a writer, naturalist, and advocate for the protection of ANWR in Alaska, will be at Grace Chapel Church this Thursday at 7 pm for a film and slide presentation on the state of ANWR in Alaska’s North East corner. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge has become the center of a debate concerning oil drilling in protected lands.

Chad has trekked in ANWR for months at a time and has a compelling, first-hand look at this beautiful place and its value to the American people. A discussion led by Craig Smith and myself concerning Christian ethics, the environment, and our response will follow Chad’s presentation. Free coffee for all who attend!

Grace Chapel is located here in Lincoln, at 40th and Sheridan Blvd. More information about Kister can be found on his homepage.

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