The Alto Collection

Alto and his snowboarding friends are coming to your favorite console soon.

Snowman’s Alto’s Adventure and Alto’s Odyssey are two of my favorite games to play on my iPhone, thanks to their meditative gameplay and beautifully minimalist aesthetic. (I’ve previously written at length about Alto’s Odyssey and mindfulness for Christ and Pop Culture.)

Until now, the two games have only been available for mobile and desktop platforms. However, Snowman has just announced The Alto Collection, which combines the two games into a seamless experience for the Epic Games Store, Xbox, and PlayStation. The Collection will be released on August 13, with a Nintendo Switch release planned for a later date.

This means that even more people will get a chance to join Alto and his friends on their contemplative snowboarding adventures, which is a very good thing.

In addition to the Alto games, Snowman has several other acclaimed games to their name, including Where Cards Fall (which won an Apple Design Award this year) and Skate City, both of which are available on Apple Arcade.

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