My Favorite Movies Since I Was Born

It was fun to make a list but this was also a painful reminder that I see far fewer movies now than I once did.
Arrival - Denis Villeneuve
Denis Villeneuve’s Arrival was my favorite movie of 2016.

There’s been this meme floating around Facebook where people post their favorite movies for each year since their birth. I figure it’s been awhile since I’ve posted any lists, so why not join in.

1976 — Taxi Driver
1977 — Close Encounters of the Third Kind
1978 — Drunken Master
1979 — The Warriors
1980 — The Empire Strikes Back
1981 — The Road Warrior
1982 — Blade Runner
1983 — Duel to the Death
1984 — Amadeus
1985 — Ran
1986 — Big Trouble in Little China
1987 — Raising Arizona
1988 — My Neighbor Totoro
1989 — The Abyss
1990 — GoodFellas
1991 — Terminator 2: Judgment Day
1992 — Unforgiven
1993 — Groundhog Day
1994 — Pulp Fiction
1995 — Ghost in the Shell
1996 — Trainspotting
1997 — Princess Mononoke
1998 — Pi
1999 — The Matrix
2000 — In the Mood for Love
2001 — Donnie Darko
2002 — Hero
2003 — Oldboy
2004 — The Incredibles
2005 — Junebug
2006 — Pan’s Labyrinth
2007 — Hot Fuzz
2008 — The Dark Knight
2009 — Summer Wars
2010 — Inception
2011 — The Tree of Life
2012 — Moonrise Kingdom
2013 — Gravity
2014 — The LEGO Movie
2015 — Inside Out
2016 — Arrival

A few random notes and observations… First, this was a painful reminder that I see far fewer movies now than I once did, though I hope that changes as my kids grow older and we can watch more together. (That being said, there are so many great TV shows on right now that it’s harder to justify the added expense of the theatre.)

Second, I’d forgotten what treasure troves years like 1999 and 2001 were. While I was pretty sure of my favorites for those years, I came across numerous titles that would be good alternates or second place finishers. Third, I was surprised at how some years just passed by without really producing anything that’s stuck with me over time. (I’m looking in your general direction, 2005.)

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